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  • Ben Fabian

News in Our Society

​The definition of a demagogue is: a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument. A very common example of a "demagogue" is our current president Donald Trump. He is very good at using social media to gain the reactions of the public and getting support from readers just because they think it is fun or funny to read. Donald Trump is also well known for his opinions on "fake news" and in my opinion, the real people who can spot fake news are the ones who constantly see news in general. Looking at news sources on an everyday basis allows you to see patterns in stories that you know are true and when you see these patterns begin to fluctuate, you know that news most likely is made up and is only there for entertainment. In our current society, we use Facebook, Twitter, and sometimes even Instagram as our news sources so we can also recognize fake news on these sites by seeing stories displayed by unreliable news sources.

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